





Jade Rabbit-2 landed on the far side of the moon steadily!

Jade Rabbit-2 landed on the far side of the moon steadily!

2019/01/13 20:56
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ThefigureisthepicturetakenbythemonitoringcameraCofChang'e4probelanderaboutJadeRabbit-2roveronthelunarsurface. Chang’e4probelanderwassuccessfullyseparatedfromtherover;JadeRabbit-2successfullylandedonth

The figure is the picture taken by the monitoring camera C of Chang'e 4 probe lander about Jade Rabbit-2 rover on the lunar surface.


Chang’e 4 probe lander was successfully separated from the rover; Jade Rabbit-2 successfully landed on the far side of the moon.


At night on January 3, Chang'e 4 probe lander was successfully separated from the rover. Jade Rabbit-2 rover (namely the lunar rover) successfully arrived on the surface of the far side of the moon. The monitoring camera of the lander took a picture of the first trace left by Jade Rabbit-2 on the far side of the moon and the picture was sent back by Magpie Bridge relay satellite to the earth.


After Chang'e-4 probe successfully landed on the moon on Jan 3, the staff made preparations for the separation of the lander and rover according to schedule, and had a final inspection and confirmation of the conditions for the separation of the lander and rover, including the state of Magpie Bridge relay satellite, environmental parameters of the landing site, equipment conditions, solar angle of incidence, etc.


At 15:7, the staff sent directions to Chang'e 4 probe through Magpie Bridge relay satellite at Beijing Aerospace Control Center, and the lander and rover began to separate from each other.

On the large screen of the flight control hall, the lander of Chang'e 4 probe stood on the lunar surface, with its solar panel spread. The rover, which was on the top of the lander, spread the solar panel and mast. Then the rover began to move slowly to the transfer mechanism, and the transfer mechanism was normally released, setting up an inclined ladder between the lander and the moon. Then the rover walked to the moon along the inclined ladder slowly. At 22:22, the rover stepped on the moon surface, and Jade Rabbit-2 left its first mark on the far side of the moon.

Wheel of the rover of Chang'e 4 probe